In order to know if a country is in its golden age, you need to know about its future, specifically whether or not it will perform worse than it currently does.
The public planning of many lynchings in the South showed that police were not interested in stopping violence.
Option: (B)
- The lynchings that happened in the south have always been believed to have happened due to the deliberate ignorance of the Police and the other responsible authorities.
- The prejudice beard by the majority white population of the south against the blacks of the south kept on out-springing in violent unrest in between the groups of these two.
- The sparks of violence were aired to become rages of fire due to the ignorance of the Police as the police too were predominantly against the blacks.
Francis Lubbock (1815 – 1905) was the governor of Texas between 1861 and 1863, and therefore he was in office during the Civil War (1861-1865).
During his ruling, he promoted the conscription (draft) so that every non-disabled men joined the Confederate States Army. He appointed how slaves should replace working white men so that they could join the army. He even made the aliens who lived in Texas subjects of the draft. In general, he worked hard to ensure the mility abilities of Texas.
He rejected reelection in 1863 in order to join the Confederate Army himself. In 1864 Lubbock was named assistant of Jefferson Davis and traveled to Richmond. He had a close relationship with Jefferson Davis, the only President of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. Both would be captured together by the Union authorities.
the government owns and control all major industries