whats the short story that you read?
poetry is structured and uses lots of similes and metaphors sometimes onomatopoeia.
prose is just a formal way of talking.
<h2>Money is an illusion, Nature is real.</h2>
People are destroying the Earth just to get their own selfish needs such as money but what can humans do when the nature is gone? Can money take it back?
Answer: People may view these actions as patriotic because the papers’ are putting things that the government have been dishonest about into question. This may also be viewed as patriotic, becuse it is putting these programs out into the open, so that the public is aware of the things that the government may have been trying to hide. Others may veiw these actions as wrong because they may think that the govenment has a right to hide certain things. Some may think that the publishers should be tried under the Espionage Act because they may veiw the story as being disloyal to the government, as well as invading the governments privacy.
Answer:the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.
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