-Chamberlain wanted a strong germany to help as a barrier in opposition to expansion by communist Russia.
-Hitler's complaints were reasonable at the time mostly about Treaty of Versaillies.
-British people wanted peace but if they didn't get that they wouldn't support war in 1938.
In the Soviet Union, propaganda was used extensively in order to spread the dominant Marxist-Leninist ideology and to promote support for the Communist Party. During the government of Stalin, it became present everywhere, including in the social and natural sciences taught at school.
All published items were not only subject to censorship if they contained undesirable information, but they were also edited to promote particular views. The figure of Stalin was greatly idealized. He was presented as a benevolent, protective father figure and a hero of the Revolution.
Any deviation from ideology could be punished by execution and labor camps, as well as punitive psychiatry and loss of citizenship.
In managerial accounting and cost accounting, production costs are the direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead used to manufacture products. The production costs are also referred to as manufacturing costs, product costs, a manufacturer's inventoriable costs, or the costs occurring in the factory.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis were willing to organize Civil Rights demonstrations despite the high risk of violence to themselves because they know that, the are the only one who can be able to unite the black community in US while pressing for the change the needed.
They are willing to be at the forefront of the protest inorder to encourage others of the need to join the growing community of blacks who are demanding the end to the segregations and other socila injustices in the US.
Due to a psychological process, consumers willl see something cheaper and feel the need to get it before the price rises again