The changes in the last 10 years have been astronomical. The Microsoft Program has changed from a simple 20ghz computer (2001-2005). To a "simple" (quote from Bill Gates in his opening statement about the new 100ghz computer) 100ghz gaming hp intel power microsoft windows cpu. The changes in this last 10 to 20 years has been amazing! Alas, some of the "new" changes of this time have come at a "price." For example, the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, his election could be a good thing for America. Unfortunately, since the election of him, the country has been at a up rise against the election of the president. The change that could be good for America, has its good and bad consequences.
A good thing that has changed since the "old days" is the one and only technology. Technology has perks and quirks, but the perks out weigh the quirks by a ton. Technology has changed so much that what we didn't have in 2004, a simple 100ghz gaming hp intel power microsoft windows cpc, is now out and can be used for the people of today.
Change is a good thing, but to much change could be bad also. If we just had the right amount of change when we need it things could go just right.
H0P3 It H3LPS :)
Se conoce como período de entreguerras o interbellum al periodo histórico del siglo XX que va de 1918 a 1939. Cronológicamente, se puede establecer desde el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial el 11 de noviembre de 1918 y el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el 1 de septiembre de 1939.
A pesar de la relativa brevedad del periodo, éste representó una época de cambios significativos en todo el mundo. La producción de energía basada en el petróleo y la mecanización asociada se expandieron de forma espectacular, dando lugar a los locos años veinte, un periodo de prosperidad y crecimiento económico para la clase media de Norteamérica, Europa, Asia y muchas otras partes del mundo. Los automóviles, el alumbrado eléctrico y las emisiones de radio, entre otras cosas, se convirtieron en algo habitual entre las poblaciones del mundo desarrollado. Las indulgencias de la época fueron seguidas posteriormente por la Gran Depresión, una recesión económica mundial sin precedentes que perjudicó gravemente a muchas de las mayores economías del mundo.
1.Leif Erikson.
2.At first Columbus and Native Americans fought, but then they made peace.
3.A potato famine in Africa forced millions of starving Africans into slavery.
4.the Vikings
5.the compass
6.It allowed them to more accurately measure latitude.
Please mark me as brainliest
In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled in 1919 that Schenck violated the Espionage Act. His campaign included printing and mailing 15,000 fliers to draft-age men arguing that conscription (the draft) was unconstitutional and urging them to resist. According to Schenck, conscription is a form of "involuntary servitude" and is therefore prohibited by the 13th Amendment. People were told to exercise their rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, and petitioning the government. Charles Schenck was imprisoned for expressing his beliefs after the court upheld the Espionage Act as constitutional. Schenck requested a new trial after he was convicted of violating the Espionage Act in 1917. He was denied the request. Afterward, he appealed to the Supreme Court, which agreed to review his case in 1919. This case later showed certain kinds of speech would be deemed illegal if it posed as a threat to the US’s needs.
People act in their own best interests to secure their own wills.
Remember Hobbes thought people were bad...