People have slowly realized the importance of managing and maintaining ecosystems. Match the environmental issues with their most appropriate solutions.
an increase in air pollution
a decrease in the number of trees
the loss of a bird habitat
an endangered aquatic species
provide nesting boxes
encourage the use of public transport
regulate recreational activities such as boating and fishing
plant new trees and protect existing trees
The main reason behind the formation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was to defend themselves against Soviet aggression. It was a treaty that was created by United States of America along with Canada and several western European Nations. The treaty was created in the year 1949.
NATO was the first peace time alliance between several
countries along with United States of America. The Second World War had
devastated several European countries economically and they did not want the
Soviets to take advantage of this position.
Have a nice day
Prohibition is the era in American history when the sale, disruption, and manufacturing of alcohol was illegal. Since selling alcohol was illegal, anyone that wanted to get alcohol was now breaking the law. However whenever there is a good/resource people want, even if it is illegal, they will pay a significant amount of money for it.
When this is the case, people will risk almost anything to make a huge profit. This is why crime and violence increase during Prohibition. Organized crime rings, lead by people like Al Capone, start to form. Due to the high demand of alcohol by American citizens, there became a huge competition between different organized crime groups for customers. Rival gangs would end up in shootouts (like the Valentine's Day Massacre).
World war 1 broke out in 1914 because a group of Serbian nationalists (The Black Hand) assassinated the duke of Austria-Hungary. Austria -Hungary threatened Serbia with a bunch of wishes that they wanted Serbia to due for them. Due to the treaty between Serbia and Russia, Serbia said no. Germany, who had a treaty with Austria-Hungary threatened to attack if Russia mobilized its army. Russia did and Germany invaded Belgium. This brought Great Britain and France into the war.
Governments needed the money for development projects, but this meant that they were not growing enough food.