wjy studenta shoupdent go to school
first t is very dangeres and whp wpupd want children getting hurt on a icy road/side work the cold enviorment makea students cold and hard for them to foucus
Creon is the tragic character in the play “Antigone”. Creon's tragic flaw, hubris, causes his downfall. Creon will not listen to anyone. He is stubborn and his pride is so great, he can not bring himself to acknowledge that he could ever wrong.
Flower is a concrete noun
I hope I've helped!
I believe it's called The luminosity , which is the amount of light it emits from its surface
Making mistakes is both good and bad. I believe that the mistakes you made in the past, shape who you will be in the future. I believe that we learn from our mistakes, and grow from them, too. I don't believe all mistakes are bad. Somewhere along the way, someone would have had to make a mistake that shaped our lives for the best. Take chocolate chunk cookies for example: There was a woman making chocolate chip cookies but she made a mistake and cut the chocolate pieces too big. She gave them out to everybody... turns out, she made what we now know as delicious chocolate chunk cookies! Making mistakes is a part of us. We will always make mistakes, but it is in the eye of the beholder what you make of those mistakes. You can either learn from them and grow, and make the best of your future, or you can sit in a room and sulk about how you messed up. There is no problem too big, that there will not be a solution. There will always be a solution, it's just up to you to find it or not, problems will always be just temporary. I mean, take this for example: think back to a time in your life when you were facing a problem and you thought it was never going to end. Well, let me tell you it did end, or it will end soon. There is not one human being on Earth who will not make a mistake in their life. From something as small as spelling a word wrong, to making the wrong decision when it comes to marriage. I believe that we all have second chances, too. We all have the chance to make up for a mistake we made in the past, are making right now, or will make in the future. If you ever feel like you are so deep into then hole of despair, just look up to God, and he will comfort you. Mistakes are what shape us, and we should appreciate our mistakes.