A tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed of calcium salts deposited by dripping water.
Backyard gardens seems a bit broad whereas the rest focus in on a certain subject relating to gardens.
<span>Demodocus </span>is a poet who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. During Odysseus' stay on Scherie, Demodocus performs three narrative songs.
Demodocus first appears at a feast in the hall of Alcinous, after he approved that Odysseus should be provided with a ship for a safe passage home. During the feast Demodocus sings about the disagreement between Odysseus and Achilles at Troy. Everyone enjoys the singing except for Odysseus who bursts into tears because of the pain and suffering of which the song reminds him.
Of Plymouth Plantation
"Homage to Mistress Bradstreet"
"To My Dear and Loving Husband"
<span>remarks Concerning the Savages of North America</span>
I would say that the answer is true