His name was Geoffrey of Monmouth.
Geoffrey of Monmouth was a cleric born between 1095 and 1100 who is famous to this day for his influence over the Arthurian myths. Much of his life cannot be accounted for since information is scarce. We do not know precisely where he was born; some sources say he was Welsh, others say he was British. The exact year when he was born is also controversial.
Geoffrey was the author of the "History of the Kings of Britain", or Historia Regum Britanniae, which was translated into several languages. Nowadays, this work is considered unreliable. But Geoffrey's earliest work was probably the Prophecies of Merlin which, as its name reveals, contains a number of prophecies attributed to the wizard Merlin. Some say the character Merlin was created by Geoffrey himself, but Geoffrey claimed to have based him in older Brittonic traditions.
For us to find out this question we would have to read the full book! Very sorry
Something along the lines of seeing the jews treated as pigs on a farm if I remember correctly, I believe it is a reference to George Orwell's "Animal Farm".
It may be slightly off my memory is a bit foggy, but it's definitely the right concept I'm sure.
hardship, corruption, maultreatment
The author's word choice help to express the tone of the excerpt since The negative connotations of the words "tensely," "clutching," and "sizzled" give the excerpt a tone of nervousness.
The use of the words "tensely," "clutching," and "sizzled" are indeed giving a more powerful meaning to the general idea of this excerpt, if this moment had been written without using any of this strong words, the level of tension on Louise Carpenter could not have been almost tangible to the reader as they create expectation and an increment of stress.