They acted like a secret police force.
They acted as a secret police force. The Praetorians were known to engage in espionage, intimidation, arrests and killings to protect the interests of the Roman emperor.
He fought a war on both fronts of his country, his agenda and alliance led him to fighting the 2 most powerful countries at the time, he invaded Russia during the winter with an ill prepared army. Had he not made these mistakes he may have gotten farther along in his achievements.
The Persian wars against Greece were caused because Darius, the Persian king, wanted to expand their empire. The wars took place in the early 5th century B.C. but the first attack was around 490 B.C. but the Persians lost. King Darius was humiliated and wanted to continue which caused the series of wars. Athens also sent ships to help the Ionian city-states fight the Persians
Darius, the Persian king, had vowed to Athens and Eretria for their support for the revolt.
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The answer is ex post facto laws