rotations and revolutions. When an object turns around an internal axis (like the Earth turns around its axis) it is called a rotation. When an object circles an external axis (like the Earth circles the sun) it is called a revolution.
la respuesta es que te acaban de apuntar
Plate tectonics is a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of the plates making up Earth's lithosphere since tectonic processes began on Earth between 3.3 and 3.5 billion years ago. The model builds on the concept of continental drift, an idea developed during the first decades of the 20th century
Probably because it either has inappropiate language or has been traced back to a test.
Image result for What type of convergent plate boundary does Lake Tanganyika have?
Lake Tanganyika–like all of the other African Rift lakes except for Lake Victoria–lies in a graben (a down-dropped block of land bounded by extensional, or normal, faults) along the axis of the great rift. I think this is correct im not to sure but i hope it helps
The answer is when the sun and the moon are at the right angles to the earth
Which make the sun, the earth and the moon formed a 90 degree angle.
during neap tides, the gravitational forces between the 3 counteract one another, creating a weaker tidal forces