Better transport so you could see their better, machines were doing jobs so you could hang more, gave you something to talk about (new inventions)
One party leads to a lack of disagreement in ideas which could lead to irresponsibility in government
Hostilities began in 1754 and ended in 1763 that is the reason that it is called the seven years war
In 1803 Robert Livingston and James Monroe were sent to France to negotiate the purchase of the Louisiana Purchase. Originally the two met set out only to purchase New Orleans and the surround territory, however, by the end they eventually purchased the massive track of land that extended beyond the Mississippi River which greatly expanded the size of the United States.
The summer monsoon brings a humid climate and torrential rainfall to these areas. Rice and tea are some crops that rely on the summer monsoon. Dairy farms, which help make India the largest milk producer in the world, also depend on the monsoon rains to keep cows healthy and well-fed.