Answer: I GOT YOU!
They introduced Italian scholars to academic fields that promoted individual growth and thinking.
The rise of humanism in Italy is associated with the period in history, from the 14th to 16th centuries, that we call "The Renaissance." Renaissance means a rebirth -- and a big part of what was being reborn in the Italian Renaissance was the classical culture and scholarship of Greece and Rome. Scholars were unearthing many of the old writings of Greek and Roman philosophers, historians, and statesmen. These writings -- from pagan societies -- showed the deep thinking and great acts human beings were capable of prior to the rise of Christian society in Europe. This prompted humanist scholars in Italy (and elsewhere) to give focus to the full range of human capabilities -- in art, architecture, scholarship and writing, etc. Renaissance humanists remained within the Catholic Church and Christian culture, which dominated Europe in those centuries. But whereas church-dominated culture prior to the Renaissance focused mostly on the sinfulness and lowness of human beings in contrast to the greatness of God, the humanism of the Renaissance emphasized the greatness of human beings as God's creation. Individuals were encouraged to be all they could be, learn all they could learn, do all they could do as "Renaissance men."
It is E sorry i did not put it in there before sorry but there you go :)
Hope this helps If it dues let me know by saying thank you :)
Even though I’m 13 and I’m a boy I still love this movie for some reason. I don’t know why. But anyways your answer is because instead of listening to the general and sending the army to protect the castle he ordered the general to send his troops the battlefront to protect his people. This shows self sacrifice and putting his life in danger for his people. Also what type of test makes you answer questions about MULAN?
1 million French 3 million British
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He married his cousin, was the United States President who pulled the United States out of the great depression and also, was the President, "Commander and Chief", during World War II. He also had polio which lead to him being in a wheel chair during most of his presidency. He is also the ONLY President to serve more than four terms in office. Also he gave his famous, "Infamy" speech which called on congress to declare war on the AXIS powers, two days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941.