The creepers in lord of the flies are actually vines that grow all over the island, which symbolize evil.
Such as when the pig is found entangled in creepers, it symbolizes how the boys will also become entangled in evil as they lose civility.
Figurtive Language.......
The committee decided that the best way to handle the abasement charge was to investigate it without letting anyone know they were onto it. It was a case where one student abased another.
She was abducted in the middle of the night. She was wearing her elephant pajamas. Abduct is not a very nice action.
I cherish the present my wife give me. It was a small drone that was easily controlled. She had to think carefully before she bought it. I treasure her care.
He does meticulous work anytime he does carpentry. He always checks twice before making a cut.
Answer: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions
I would try to not argue with people and I would figure out who or what did it