Option I
Muscles are able to use glucose, fatty acids and ketone bodies as a source of fuel. Option 2 is false as if glycogen degradation and synthesis rates are equivalent, there will be no net release of glucose of synthesis of glycogen which would be a 'waste' or resources in the muscles cells. Do note that this does not happen in a muscle cell as normally either one of the processes are dominant, not both at the same time. Option 3 is incorrect as muscles cells do not have glucagon receptors and hence cannot respond to glucagon nor perform gluconeogenesis (only happens in the liver). Glycogenolysis in the muscles are to supply energy to the muscles for movement, not release glucose to the bloodstream hence it will not respond to glucagon in the bloodstream.
If the earth did not rotate on its axis then the atmosphere would only circulate on its poles and the equator in a simple back and forth pattern.
I believe the thyroid controls most, if not all of those things. (Again, I'm not entirely sure.)
it provides other readers with historical information