Social change can cause conflict within and between societies. Social change can cause a cultural lag which leades to conflict. A main conflict is between youth and parent, which is a result of social change.
During the 20th century there was war. This includes World War I. The wars would cause poverty in familes due to the high demand of food and supplies to soldiers overseas. This led to other families fighting for survival.
The south never again fought on the union soil
The Battle of Gettysburg was a pivotal moment during the Civil War, because it made possible for the North to reclaim the Mississippi River which was a very important route for the North. Also, by reclaiming the River, the North split the Confederacy in two, which made things very hard for them because of the transportation of supplies. Also, after the battle, the Confederate Army was forced to retreat to Virginia and would not return North again.
The Buddhism is a religion that has its roots in India. From India, it started to spread in the neighboring regions of Southeast Asia and East Asia, with the spreading going through the trade roots.
When this religion reached China, it seemed very appealing to the people, but very importantly, to the ruling class as well. The reasons as to why the Buddhism was so appealing to the Chinese were numerous, with some having bigger influence than others.
The Buddhism was a religion that promoted inner peace, and living a good quality life.
It was promoting equality in the society, and everyone was set to be on the same level.
This religion was promoting harmony between the humans and the environment, and that it is crucial that they coexist in perfect balance for the good of both sides.