The Canterbury Tales is a frame narrative, or a story told around another story or stories. The frame of the story opens with a gathering of people at the Tabard Inn in London who are preparing for their journey to the shrine of St. Becket in Canterbury.
<span>Dear J.K. Rowling
I really appreciated your book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". The serious tone Harry uses when speaking truly underlines dire times felt within the wizarding world. I could never find the right words to use when setting my plot, but I was truly inspired by your use of diction to control the tempo of a long narrative. This tempo control ran throughout the text, emotionally tying specific plot devices to the perspective of a character and framing their state of being.
In conclusion, I hope my writing can glimpse a shadow of your craft. When I write in first person, as you did with Harry, I often now compare my use of language to your descriptive tendencies and search for improvements. Not writing extremely long sentences, or using out of character phrasing, but instead giving just enough detail to paint a vivid picture. If this gets to you, I hope you can write me back, I've attatched a pdf of a recent poem and hope you can give me some notes.
Thank you,
The heading that best confirms her prediction is C. Exercise and Relaxation.
It is common for readers to make predictions about the text they are going to read based on information previously collected. Reading the headline and skimming the text for some cue words help indicate the path the author has likely followed. <u>Suppose Marissa knows the text is about firefighter, either because she skimmed it or because someone told her so. If she reads the headline "Exercise and Relaxation", she will probably predict the text is not about what firefighters do while helping in an emergency, but about what they do on their free time.</u>
The other options wouldn't lead her prediction down the same path. "Ranks and Insignia" could be about hierarchy and medals/prizes for performing well; Essential Equipment would inform readers on what objects are necessary for a firefighter to do his job; Types of Trucks, as the headline says, would discuss the different types of firetrucks, their advantages and disadvantages. To lead someone to predict the text will address what firefighters do when there is not an emergency, the best option is really "Exercise and Relaxation".
The word "Yet" sounds appropriate but if this is multiple choice I'd like to know the choices.
This was a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson used to defend freedom and liberty. I think he's basically saying that what's the point of doing things if we aren't granted our freedom in return.
Hope I helped :)