The correct answer should be A. subdivisions
Usually, they are split into numbers for the highest and broadest rank, then capital letters for subdivisions, and then lower case letters for the lowest place in the hierarchy.
Please take care of yourself. Công việc và sự nghiệp quan trọng nhưng sức khỏe còn quan trọng hơn rất nhiều. ... Hãy giữ gìn sức khỏe nhé. You have health then you got everything.
- <em>Remember to take care of your health. Love you! ... Nhớ giữ gìn sức khỏe của mình nhé.</em>
Henry employs the rhetorical devices of ethos, pathos, and logos to encourage everyone to fight. He employs rhetorical questions such as: "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, that it must be purchased at the cost of chains and slavery?" "Give me liberty or give me death, "he says. Repetition like this: "we have to fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight. "We have to fight! I say it again, sir: we must fight. " "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet..." in this manner, and so forth; and restatement such as this: "Trust it not... Let us not deceive ourselves, sir," and exclamation points such as: "The war has actually begun!" The next gale that blows in from the north will bring a resounding clash of arms!" He employs rhetorical questions and appeals in order to get the politicians' minds to work in the right direction.
150 words
What is supposed to be answered?
I think the answer is A. I’m sorry if it’s wrong.