- Ireland
- United States
- Both
According to the article:
- St Patrick's Day in Ireland was a religious holiday.
- The Irish-Americans wanted to celebrate their Irish heritage in the US, so they added activities to the holiday.
- Both countries have festivals and activities for modern St. Patrick's day.
I had stolen a lot of things and got caught by a security camera. I did not need the things but I was young and afraid to ask for them. instead of facing the consequences I ran away for a day and eventually went back home. I learned that no matter what you do, facing the problem head on has a much better chance of you being able to explain yourself and getting a better outcome. running from your problems will lead to the worst possible outcome
You hung out with a new person you were excited to get to
know, but you didn't really click.
Its happened to me, I thought he was gonna be cool, but he really wasn't he never hung out with me a lot even though I wanted him to, he always said we would finally get to talk, but in the end he was really just a butthole
its a lil weak
the thing is that you got to make it stand out more then strati to the point.