Near the nightfall they were really hungry so they shared there last corn bread and went to the river to get some water. After that they moved in the darkness. They came across some nuts and berries. Amari started thinking that if she had listened better about what her mother taught her about some things about gathering food it could of help her at that time. But she had listened to what Teenie taught her. One evening Amari left Polly and Tidbit for about one hour and Amari brought back a pouch full of berries and nuts and Amari had got walnuts, pecans and boysenberries. Amari dug up and got roots and herbs. She told them that it is good to eat. After couple of hours all three of them started feeling sick. Amari felt bad that she made all of them sick. So she apologized. Amari went to the river to get more food. After a couple of hours later she brought back three large catfish's. They ate the three large catfish's raw. After that they moved in the darkness again. As the days pasted on. Amari had no luck catching more fish. Amari didn't try to find anymore berries because she had the fear of making them sick again. One evening Amari tripped over a fallen log. “Ouch” she cried out and something made her look under the fallen log. She found alot of insects and worms. They but they had no choice but to eat them for survival. One Morning they were finding a hiding place for the day. Tidbit cried out "Where is Hushpuppy?" Polly tried to tell him that a dog will find the boy he loves, she gave him hope that Hushpuppy will come back. As The nights have becoming more difficult for them because lately the nights are becoming cold. They came across a cave and were able to build a fire in it for warmth. By looking at the fire Amari started remembering not of the fire that destroyed her village. She is trying to remember the cooking fire that decorated the each household. Suddenly a creature appeared in the front of the cave and Amari and Polly came closer to each other and Tidbit was a sleep. The creature leaped over the fire, Amari and Polly screamed. Tidbit suddenly was awake and yelled Hushpuppy. Hushpuppy brought a rabbit with him so they could have something to eat. Amari and Polly took turns cooking the rabbit until it was good to eat. This was the first time they had a good cooked meal since they began their journey.
The major difference between a news story and a feature story is that a news story is time-sensitive. Media outlets want to publish news stories as quickly as possible after an event occurs. Feature stories, however, are not as time-dependent and contain no urgent content.