trading, weaving, making basket, making useful tool
They could not participate in a abolitionist meeting.
They were seeking to organize and advance the women's suffrage movement. The national meeting in Seneca Falls in New York in 1848 was the first women's rights convention to be held in the United States. The Declaration of Sentiments was signed by 68 women and 32 men who had been among the participants in the convention. The document was modeled after Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. In the way that Jefferson had listed grievances against the British monarchy, The Declaration of Sentiments listed grievances against how men oppressed women in regard to civil rights.
In 1853 Japan ended its practice of isolationism
The correct option is D.
Scientific revolution refers to the principle which historians employed to explain the emergence and rapid development of modern science. The scientific revolution started in Europe at about 1543 and it brings about a great change in the way people think. During this period, people started criticizing thoughts that were previously acceptable and unchallenged; it also led to the establishment of many modern sciences.