Writing is a process that involves at least four distinct steps: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. I
El cubo de la diferencia de dos cantidades es igual a la primera cantidad elevada al cubo menos tres veces la primera cantidad elevada al cuadrado por la segunda cantidad más tres veces la primera cantidad por la segundad cantidad al cuadrado menos la segunda cantidad al cubo.
<span>That statement is true
in the 1920s, a rebellion arose on the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina which led by the muslim rebels from Bosnia.
These rebels were supported by the croatia and Serbian soldiers, and in order to put this war to an end, Bosnia asked for back up from washington </span>
Richard, the duke of Gloucester, speaks in a monologue addressed to himself and to the audience. After a lengthy civil war, he says, peace at last has returned to the royal house of England. Richard says that his older brother, King Edward IV, now sits on the throne, and everyone around Richard is involved in a great celebration. But Richard himself will not join in the festivities. He complains that he was born deformed and ugly, and bitterly laments his bad luck. He vows to make everybody around him miserable as well. Moreover, Richard says, he is power-hungry, and seeks to gain control over the entire court. He implies that his ultimate goal is to make himself king.
Working toward this goal, Richard has set in motion various schemes against the other noblemen of the court. The first victim is Richard’s own brother, Clarence. Richard and Clarence are the two younger brothers of the current king, Edward IV, who is very ill and highly suggestible at the moment. Richard says that he has planted rumors to make Edward suspicious of Clarence.
Clarence himself now enters, under armed guard. Richard’s rumor-planting has worked, and Clarence is being led to the Tower of London, where English political prisoners were traditionally imprisoned and often executed. Richard, pretending to be very sad to see Clarence made a prisoner, suggests to Clarence that King Edward must have been influenced by his wife, Queen Elizabeth, or by his mistress, Lady Shore, to become suspicious of Clarence. Richard promises that he will try to have Clarence set free. But after Clarence is led offstage toward the Tower, Richard gleefully says to himself that he will make sure Clarence never returns.
"I dont know who gonna take yall but it wont be me" said her mother