Hello! I would say the narrator is insane because he can still hear the old man’s heart thumping from underneath the floorboards even after he killed him. His guilt gets the better of him and he turns himself in to the cops. I don’t have any evidence sense I don’t have the story on me, but use something from the story along the lines where he “hears” the thumping of his heart as evidence.
In the poems, “I Ask My Mother to Sing” and “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” the poets expresses their appreciations for the culture and history they belong to.
Both the poems highlights the importance of remembering the nationality that people belong to. The poems presents the theme of love towards the culture and language to which they are associated to. Living in the foreign place shall not be the reason of forgetting the culture and place to which an individual belong to.
In the poem “I Ask My Mother to Sing”, the poet is a Chinese American who have never visited China. His love for his country has flourished in the foreign country as well. He asks his mother and grandmother to sing the song of his country. This song helps him to connect with his land and feel its presence even in the foreign place.
In the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”, Langston Huges speaks of the black cultural identity that he and his people has incorporated in themselves. The poem highlights the historical importance of the African race. Living in the foreign world has not dissociated the people from tehir culture and identity.
The meaning is this, this boy was vexed by the horrible habit of smoking from the peer pressure of others. The author uses satire to jokingly tell of how much importance chewing tobacco was for a boy of his age. When Twain states " I was not able to learn to chew tobacco. I learned to smoke fairly well, but that did not conciliate anybody and I remained a poor thing, and characterless." he uses words such as "poor thing" and "characterless" to show humor within his writing. Though smoking and chewing tobacco isn't such a humorous subject, Twain uses a good amount of satire to represent comedy in such a serious topic.
Mark Twain uses satire to show humor through his most serious topics. This brings the reader into the story with interest.
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. ... The word "culture" derives from a French term, which in turn derives from the Latin "colere," which means to tend to the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture.
Worst is superlative. Superlative means the highest form of something - saddest, coldest, worst, etc.