I don't know what it means but it is good question
Alexander the Great died unexpectedly in 323 BCE. As a result, the whole empire began to fall, and leaders fought over power and the empire. Artists of this period had a noticeably different vision of art. Art before this time period were characterized as religious and peaceful. Hellenistic art became more realistic. Hellenistic art is known for the expression of pain, anger, and other dark emotions.
When it comes to depression I really recommend a therapist or counseling because it depends what category or like level of depression you are in to really determine how to cope with it
But avoiding isolation could be good to try to have someone to support you
Do things to keep you distracted and motivated
(depends on age and your access to things but going out could help ofc always be safe because of the pandemic)
exercising or meditating are also other things and joirnaling also helps some people but it really depends how you are and the type of depression you are in
I do recommend talking to a therapist
<span>Light and shadow can <u>model</u> an object, giving it a three-dimensional appearance</span>