John Paul Jones refused to surrender his ship and George Rogers Clark led his troops through freezing swamps and surprised the British.
The Fifteenth Amendment had a significant loophole: it did not grant suffrage to all men, but only prohibited discrimination on the basis of race and former slave status. States could require voters to pass literacy tests or pay poll taxes - difficult tasks for the formerly enslaved, who had little education or money.
8 valentines because if she gave away 2 and it was five times more then you do 5x2 which is 10 and 10-2 that she received today so it is 8
From roughly 1919 to 1935, the literary and artistic movement now known as the Harlem Renaissance produced an outpouring of celebrated works by Black artists and writers.
Relatively recent scholarship has emphasized not only the influence gay social networks had on the Harlem Renaissance’s development, but also the importance of sexual identity in more fully understanding a person’s work and creative process. Key LGBT figures of this period include, among others, poets Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Claude McKay; performers Ethel Waters, Edna Thomas, and Alberta Hunter; intellectual Alain Locke; literary salon owner Alexander Gumby; and sculptor Richmond Barthé.
This curated theme features a selection of literary salons, neighborhood institutions, public art, and residences that reflect the impact of the Black LGBT community on one of the 20th century’s most significant cultural movements.
Equal acsees to food/water, equal rights, acsees to education, being able to see other people, and being able to buy clothes.