Julius Caesar was allocated tribunician powers which allowed him to veto the Senate. Veto authority allowed Caesar to be sacrosanct. The Senate accused him of committing several violations including forcibly opening the treasury. He later incited the impeachment of two obstructive tribunes. By 47 BCE, the Senate had been so depleted that Caesar had to appoint new senators. He appointed his own partisans to minimize the risk of an appraising against him. He later passed a law that limits the terms of governors in office. In 46 BCE, he titled himself the “Prefect of the Morals” and the "Father of the Fatherland." Coins bore his face and statue praising his rule rose on every corner of the empire. He rewarded his supporters with Senate and court positions. On February 44 BCE, the senate appointed Caesar as dictator for life. Before his death, he was preparing to invade the Parthian Empire.
President Lincoln thought it would be easy to repair the union and why Vice President Johnson thought it would take more effort is discussed below in details.
Lincoln’s dominant purpose had been to produce the Southern states immediately back into the enclosure to reconstruct the Union. At the beginning of December 1863, the president launched the process of unification by revealing a three-part program recognized as the ten percent proposal that described how the states would return.
The disaster at Chernobyl was a nuclear accident in Ukraine in 1986.
The answer is: B. becoming overly involved with foreign politics.
In his farewell address letter published in 1796, U.S. president George Washington advises Americans against the excessive engagement in sectionalism, political parties, and becoming too attached to any foreign nation. In that matter, he is cautious about the political uncertainty Americans they must evade if they mean to keep their legitimate values.