Science and Religion most people forget that science would not exist without faith. The Book of Gods was the first piece of literature that humans read. And, as many people forget, Islam is the major foundation of science. With Islam, you begin to learn about the Cosmos, you enhance your health, and you discover more about your mission. Why does Allah (God) mention the bee and emphasize its importance in the Quran, for example? We discover later in the twentieth century that we require Bees to pollinate our flowers and plants in order for the world to function; without Bees, how would the natural world function?
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these points are similar to each other but I think it is the first, so allows the governor to appoint the state legislatures.
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Best type of government: Hamilton was a strong supporter of a powerful central or federal government. His belief was that a governmental power should be concentrated in the hands of those few men who had the talent and intelligence to govern properly for the good of all the people.
Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 – July 12, 1804) was an American statesman, ... Hamilton was born out of wedlock in Charlestown, Nevis. He was orphaned as a child and taken in by a prosperous merchant. When he reached ...
Children: Philip; Angelica; Alexander; James A...
Rank: Major general
Political party: Federalist
Resting place: Trinity Church Cemetery
Hamilton's economic plan for the nation included establishing a national bank like that in England to maintain public credit; consolidating the states' debts under the federal government; and enacting protective tariffs and government subsidies to encourage American manufactures.
View of the nature of human beings: Perhaps influenced by his difficult childhood, Hamilton held a generally negative view of humankind. He viewed people as generally ignorant, selfish, and untrustworthy. He felt that most people's actions were determined by their “passions” and selfinterests.
Yes. even though they share similar beliefs everyone is different and has different ideas.
bc slavery wasn't legal in the more north headed states and the practice wasn't used on many over there