Turbines. Invented by Charles Parsons. I know I'm in middle school, but we are just learning about hydroelectric power.
No , it didn't increase cases of addiction.
<h2>Availability of Plankton</h2>
- The term plankton comes from the Greek derivative planktos, meaning wandering. Organisms in this group spend either part or all of their life in a drifting state, with no ability to swim against a current. Most have little or no ability to swim at all. Though some are larger, most planktonic creatures are microscopic and make up the bottom of the food chain in aquatic environments
- Plankton can be divided into two categories: phytoplankton are those organisms that are plant-like, and zooplankton are organisms that are animal-like. Interestingly enough, many planktonic species are neither plant nor animal but are creatures that belong to the kingdom Protista
- Zebra muscles are found in water bodies which attached to pipes and other surfaces of water supply to impliment the availability of plankton
Leaf area index
The leaf area index (LAI) is the ratio of total projected leaf area per unit ground area, and is widely used to characterize canopy light conditions.
is that clear
I had to look for the options and here is my answer:
Based on the students observation of the root cells, leaf cells and stem cells from a single plant that was observed under a microscope, how these appear in a light microscope is that, each cell would appear differently since each came from different parts of the plant and had functions different from one another.