This means that people will not follow that law specifically if it is ridiculous or discriminates against a group of people.
Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the united states. Also fun fact it is one of the amendments included in what we call the Bill of Rights.
It is too far to read, please upload and I will answer :)
Aurangzeb did not respect his father and also throwed him to prison. Akbar was the third successor of the Bhabur the founder of the Mughal dynasty. Aurangzeb was the great grand son of Akbar and son of Shah jahan. Akabar did respected his parents and his Dynast and promoted the growth of his Dydnasty. He was one of the main reason why Mughal empire lost it’s power. Thus aurangzeb is totaly different from akbar. Mughal rulers', Akbar and Aurangzeb, policies were motivated by religious fluidity by Akbar who created a diverse, accepting, and highly successful empire while Aurangzeb's religious rigidity was the downfall of the Mughals. Akbar was very against having one religion in charge, eliminated the Jizya, made Persian the official language, established the Ibadat Khana and the Divine Faith in Fatehpur, combined religions. Aurangzeb returned to religious orthodoxy and reestablished the Jizya, resulted in revolts of sikhs and hindus and ultimately led to the downfall of the empire.
The Stamp Act of 1765 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which imposed a direct tax on the British colonies in America and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp.
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