The answer is form
Hope it helps
I belive the answer is: Voters
Lobbyist consist of a group of people that aimed to support a certain representatives in order to legally influence the outcome of the legislation.
These lobbyist tend to represent actual segment of registered voters for a specific cause that deemed as important for them.
Answer: We are reading about David Weschler, who was a Romanian psychologist
Explaination: David Weschler is credited with the development of the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.
He was an American psychologist. He studied in City College, New York and completed his Ph.D. in 1925 from Columbia University. During World War One, he worked with US Army and developed various tests for recruits. He is known worldwide for the intelligence scales that he developed.
Further explanation
David Weschler advocated the use of non-intellective factors in IQ tests and proposed that other factors are also important for intelligent behavior, he rejected the Binet Scale. Even he didn't measure the non-intellective factors while testing but it was taken into account while test.
He developed WAI (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale) in 1939, and this led to the development of WISC(Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children) and later WPPSI (Weschler Preschool Primary Scale of Intelligence) . All these tests follow the philosophy that " Intelligence is the global capacity to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment"
The new aspects of Weschler Scales was that it brought new methods to intelligence testing. In his methods, he divided intelligence into Verbal and Non Verbal scales. the old concept of IQ was done away with.
Learn more
Wechsler–Bellevue Intelligence Scale:
Keywords: Intelligence theory, Rational thinking, Deal effectively
The impact of the changes in transportation is mixed; traffic has increased in certain areas and decreased in some others; around 90% of traffic is in west Washington, but infrastructural impairment is major at eastern and central zones.
The closure of several ramps reduced truck traffic in those areas, making loads running over longer distances on roads with higher load capacities; thus also decreasing the rail inter-modal trucks flow on public roads.
New technologies in lift devices and computerized terminals were installed; now traffic is highly influenced by the big gateways, and fewer miles on public roads are moved by piggyback devices.
As a consequence of the changes in transportation, the health care association have expanded volunteer driver programs, making volunteer drivers receive mileage reimbursement, requisite training and support to their workforce as an aid to offset maintenance costs.