The answer is that, "the given statement is true".
We can define a phreak as somebody who breaks into the phone network wrongfully, regularly to make free long-remove telephone calls or to tap telephone lines. The term is currently in some cases used to incorporate any individual who breaks or endeavors to break the security of any system.
Whenever a research is done, you must reject or accept a null hypothesis (the one you consider is not correct) or your work hypothesis (the theory you think is must probably accurate or close to the truth) usually, when performing a research, you will not always obtain positive or statistically significant results, that validate your hypothesis. Is actually, not unusual that extremes (or extraordinary results) come out (unexpected for several reasons: incorrect size of the sample, improper selection of the subjects- a bias- lack of correct determination of the variable measured or failure to determine the type of the variable-numerical, categorical, ratio,etc-)
Positive or negative results are yet, results whether they prove or reject your hypothesis. Failing to establish a scientific hypothesis does not necessarily mean that they did something wrong, it just says that the hypothesis tested does not approach correctly to the epistemological truth (ultimately, any research is only a mere approximation to reality). Therefore, when two scientists deny sharing<em> unusual results</em>, they are acting unethically, hiding results that can mean something from a different point of view.
Nicholson, R. S. (1989). On being a scientist. Science, 246(4928), 305-306.
According to the information on the map, the natural resource that is found in both Mexico and Canada are:
Copper Iron and silver.
The reasons behind this answer are the following. In the first place, Silver is located in Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick in Canada, while in Mexico it is located In Jalisco, Aguas Calientes, and San Luis. Copper is found in basically all its territory but principally Ontario and Quebec. While it is found in San Luis and Oaxaca. Finally, iron is found in Quebec, New Foundland and Labrador in Canada, and San Luis, Oaxaca, and Michoacan. The three elements are found in both countries.
1. Communism
2. Capitalism
3. Socialism
4. Capitalism
Given the definitions, the correct answers are the following:
1. A political-economic system that generally includes an authoritarian government: COMMUNISM
2. An economy that depends on strong entrepreneurship and capital investment by individuals: CAPITALISM
3. A centrally planned economy: SOCIALISM
4. A system where prices and wages are set by supply and demand: CAPITALISM.