Mrs. Jones has been vomiting for several days, unable to eat or drink. you find her in bed. she is pale, lethargic and her eyes are dull. she is probably suffering from hypovolemic shock.
<h3 /><h3>What is hypovolemic shock?</h3>
It occurs when there is a significant loss of blood and body fluids, being considered a high emergency situation that can be life threatening. This condition occurs when the heart fails to properly pump blood throughout the body, which results in multiple organ failure and death.
It is important to consider the symptoms of an individual who may be developing hypovolemic shock, some of which are:
- Strong headache
- Dizziness
- Feeling faint
- Cold and pale skin
- Mental confusion
- Nausea and vomiting
This disease can develop hemorrhagic or not, and cause drops in blood pressure due to low activity of the heart.
Therefore, when identifying some of the symptoms, the patient should seek emergency medical assistance immediately, as hypolevemic shock can lead to death if not reversed.
Find out more about hypovolemic shock here: