kahulugan ng kahabag-habag
kahulugan ng alindog
kahulugan ng balintataw
kahulugan ng kalumbayan
1. Batches
2. Couches
3. Parties
4. Sandwiches
5. Bunnies
6. Dresses
7. Pies
8. Wishes
And for the description you could say something like there was a plate of sandwiches next to the cozy brown couch.
Will u please translate to english i could be able to help
Newton's third law governs in the turning of gears. Basically a torque is formed due to a coupling force. Now a large gear is joined with the pivoted point of the blades. When the blade turns the gear turns too turning other gears as well.
Now why i said a large gear turning small gears is that for one rotation of a large gear a small gear does more rotation. So a small gust of wind turning the large gear to 1/100 th rotation turns the smaller gears to maybe 5 rotations.
<span>Now to the amazing part. Getting to produce the electricity. The gears turning is connected to a dynamo. The dynamo is responsible for producing the required electricity. And that is the total analogy of a wind turbine.</span>