Everything is correct except aren't you supposed to start fresh with each note? Like, you have 3 4 under some of them. Don't you have to do 1 2, or, like I said, start fresh, with the number 1 each time? (I am not sure, I am just asking. If not, then don't pay attention to my comments :)
Otherwise, everything is perfect.
very short shorts/skirt crop top
i think this would be inappropriate for work because when you are at work you are their to work not to be a distraction and center of attention
malnutrition, not being taken care of right, when a child is not taken care of right it leads to problems when they grow up
You would call a bus a guagua in C. Cuba.
In Spanish, the word guagua means a bucket, however, in colloquial everyday speech, the Cubans also refer a bus as a guagua. The word is not that new, actually, as it has been used with this meaning since the 19th century in Cuba