Yield Sign
- The yield sign calls for the driver to make a complete stop and proceed when safe.
The yield sign tells people that they don't have the right of way and to let others proceed first, but they are still able to go if it is safe.
The driver must stop and make sure there are no oncoming cars, then proceed when safe.
- The economy runs on money and doesn't like uncertainty
- A recession is when the economy takes a really big hit
- When a business closes - especially a big one - money is lost
When a business closes, consumers have to spend their money in a different sector, or they end up saving what they were expected to spend. This causes a fluctuation in the markets, something the economy doesn't like. For example, right now, many businesses are temporarily shutting down, while others are closing permanently. This has caused the economy to spiral downhill because the money flow has changed. People are no longer spending money on things like entertainment, and are instead stocking up on essentials. However, other people can't pay their staff's wages and are considering closing their businesses. When one business closes, the workers aren't getting paid, the consumers aren't spending money, and the economy get's nervous. I hope this makes sense :)
Governments influence the economy by changing the level and types of taxes, the extent and composition of spending, and the degree and form of borrowing. Governments directly and indirectly influence the way resources are used in the economy.
If they plan to keep accepting the authority of their home country, historically they could be called "colonists".
Today, we'd call them a diaspora or a community, for example: Hungarian Community in Paris.
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Examples of leaders who act differently to what they say are corrupt police officers. Police officers are leaders in the enforcement and abidance to the law. When a corrupt police officer goes against the law in letting criminals go free or in arresting innocent people, then their credibility is destroyed. This creates a lack of confidence in the ability of such a leader to be an effective leader.
A corrupt police officer who goes against the law takes away my trust in him and makes me see him as unreliable and unprofessional.
Such leaders would find it difficult to regain the trust their followers had in them because they have proved themselves unreliable and ineffective in their service to their followers.