Is there an option for the President? Cause that’s who the leader of the executive branch is.
While it was less dependent on military intervention than Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy, Taft's dollar diplomacy did the United States more harm than good. Still plagued by foreign debt, the Central American countries came to resent U.S. interference, fostering anti-American nationalist movements.
I believe it is B... Good luck!
The correct answer is the US Army.
McCarthy's reign of accusing individuals of being communism really begins in the early 1950's. After claiming he has a list of 205 members of the State Department who are known communists, he catapults to national prominence. Time after time, McCarthy accuses individuals from all walks of life of being communist. Even though he was extremely popular in the beginning of his search for communists, he became discredited due to this claims against the US Army.
Step-by-step explanation:
Since only one ticket out of the 250 wins a 230 dollar prize, the expected payoff is 230/250=0.92. Hope this helps!