Before secession, there were 11 states in the United States of America. This is in the 1860's btw
An important difference between the freedom rides and unauthorized marches were Freedom rides were testing whether an existing law would be upheld, while unauthorized marches were intentionally breaking an unjust law. The correct answer is C.
Chief of state and chief executive
As fans know, ARMY was established as BTS' fandom name on July 9, 2013, soon after the release of the band's first single, “2 Cool 4 Skool.” The word is an acronym for “Adorable Representative M.C. For Youth,” but there are also other meanings.
Max Minghella
<em>Desde por volta de 700, "prisioneiros capturados nas guerras santas que expandiram o Islã da Arábia pelo norte da África e através da região do Golfo Pérsico" eram vendidos e usados como escravos. Durante os três impérios medievais do norte da África (séculos X a XV), o comércio de escravos foi largamente praticado.</em>