The Black Death is considered as the deadliest pandemic in history. There were four main forms of this plague namely: bubonic, pneumonic, septicemic and enteric plague. It wiped out around 200 million people from Europe and Asia. It was caused by yersinia pestits, a type of bacteria transmitted through flea bites or inhalation. One of the main reasons why the plague spread quickly was the terrible health condition of the city dwellers due to poverty and malnutrition. The great famine of 1315 struck many parts of Europe and it lasted for almost seven years. The famine ultimately weakened the immune system of the dwellers in the cities.
With no gold rush, there is no gigantic rush to populate that region. If there aren't enough people then there aren't enough businesses and the economic network is tiny.
The justices ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act in
regards of the supreme court decision is six. The Affordable care is a kind of
health care reform law in which has the primary goal of providing health
insurance to be affordable and to make it available to people who can’t afford
of providing or having health care.
3rd option
"An informal deal was struck to resolve the dispute: the Compromise of 1877, which awarded all 20 electoral votes to Hayes; in return for the Democrats' acquiescence to Hayes' election, the Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South, ending Reconstruction."
Technology has totally changed the way maps are made and geographical areas are represented, both regarding the calculation methods and the materials and technology used (nowadays we use databases instead of paper)
In times past, geographers had to rely on anachronistic tools to create maps. Therefore, the accuracy of their calculations was often very poor. Observation and information collected from travelers, sailors and merchants was usually the most common way to create maps, in the absence of more reliable sources. Nowadays, computerized mapping and satellites make it a lot easier to map and represent large geographical areas. In conclusion, the advance of technology has been fundamental for the creation of better and more accurate maps.