We can remember the past by learning about what happened to people in the past.
The play has taught that we can remember the past by honoring the people from past.
'The Diary of Anne Frank: The Play' is an adaptation of Anne Frank's diary into a play by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett. The play was adapted to remember the past and the time of Holocaust.
The play teaches the readers that one can remember the past by digging into history and learn what happened in the past. By learning about the past one will be able to remember what actually happened back then. Like, the play on Anne Frank's diary helps the audience to remember and recall of the terrific events of the Holocaust and the effects it left on humanity, especially families who became it's prey.
The play also teaches that one can remember the people from past by honoring them. Honoring is the best tribute one can pay to those people from the past. By celebrating people from past, one not only honors them but honors what they went through.
These poets had major influence on the writings of Hughes in a manner of using the medium of poem for convey a message or share opinion.
Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, on 1st Februray 1901. Hughes was an American poet, activist, novelist, and so on. He had major influence in his writings of other prominent poets such as Walt Whitman, Carl Sandburg, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and Claude McKay.
These poets used the medium of poetry to convey their opinion or expose any social vices prevalent in their society. For instance, Walt Whitman in his poem titled 'Song of Myself' wrote about human vices and his selfishness and self-centeredness.
<u>Similarly, Hughes wrote the poems to speak about social vices. In his poem '</u><u>Dream Deferred</u><u>' he wrote about the life of people when dream is denied to them. The hidden message that one can infer from this poem is that he is also speaking about the lives of the blacks people who were denied to live the life of their dream and denied basic rights</u>.
The people in Roman have full citizenship and they are doing good so far. Keep up with rest of people though out cities
In the poem he describes the moon as looking like a balloon
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