Okeke is from the story 'Marriage is a private affair', a book written by the Nigerian author, Chinua Achebe.
Okeke was a dutiful son who has regards for his father and always want to obtain his permission in all that he does. But he also a very determined man and is always ready to stay by his decisions, when he knows that he is doing the right thing for himself. He is a man who does not give up easily and he continues to appeals to his father to change his mind about his marriage even years after the event has happened. Okeke is a kind of man who does not follow custom and traditions blindly, when they do not favour him.
has at least two parts, either one of which can stand by itself (in other words, two independent clauses), but the two parts have been smooshed together instead of being properly connected. Review, also, the section which describes
The most obvious element is a character, as shown in option C.
<h3>Why are the other elements not highlighted?</h3>
- The setting refers to the environment where the story takes place and the passage does not refer to any environment.
- The plot refers to the story as a whole and the passage refers to just one point in the story.
In the passage provided, we can see that the narrator refers to a specific person and how that person behaved at a given moment, provoking reactions and thoughts.
A person, in a text, is a character and all the characters are very important elements for the development of the story because they promote the advancement of the narrative and the execution of events.
Learn more about what a character is: