You should look at web sources that have recently been updated because a lot of times new information is present that could change the original point/evidence. This could discredit the source. You also should do this because the newer the information, the more credible it is in the time (older information could easily be outdated).
Several people didn't agree with what trump has said and done. He's homophobic, racist, and against womens rights. He's let officers take black people's lives, tried to enforce stop and frisk, which is basically taking any black person off of the street and tossing them into jail, and hasn't taken the virus seriously. He's also calling global warming an expensive little hoax, which is completely wrong and upsetting. Biden, however, is in favor of LGBTQ+ rights, womens rights, and supports black men and women. He's letting a black, female woman to be his vice president, which is a massive step, as she's the first one.
The different dialects made it a bit difficult to understand and follow the dialogue. I could understand Higgins and Pickering well, but it was tough to understand what Eliza was saying sometimes. For example, consider this excerpt from the play:
THE FLOWER GIRL: Ow, eez ye-ooa san, is e? Wal, fewd dan y' de-ooty bawmz a mather should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel's flahrzn than ran awy atbaht pyin. Will ye-oo py me f'them?
I had to read this excerpt several times to understand what Eliza was saying. In such cases, the other characters’ responses to Eliza helped me figure out what she was saying.
First, we need to note that an anthropocentric view (one who believes in Anthropocentrism) involves the view that only humans determine moral standing.
Thus, as regards the statement about forest usage by Gifford Pinchot, an anthropocentric view would debate that there should be sustainable use of the forest even though the majority can use this resources.