they declared their loyalty to france
A Batalha de Nova Orleães<span> ocorreu em 8 de janeiro de 1815 e foi a grande batalha final da </span>Guerra de 1812.<span>[8]</span><span> As forças americanas, comandadas pelo general </span>Andrew Jackson<span>, derrotaram uma invasão do exército britânico, que tinha a intenção de tomar </span>Nova Orleães<span> e o vasto território que os Estados Unidos haviam adquirido com a compra da Louisiana.</span><span>[9]</span><span>[10]</span><span>[11]</span><span> O Tratado de Ghent foi assinado em 24 de dezembro de 1814 e ratificado pelo </span>Senado dos Estados Unidos<span> em 16 de fevereiro de 1815. No entanto, despachos oficiais anunciando a paz não alcançariam os combatentes até final de fevereiro.</span><span>[12]</span><span>[13]</span><span> A batalha é amplamente considerada como a maior vitória dos Estados Unidos na </span>Guerra de 1812<span>.</span>
<span>gender equality
</span>The Cairo Conference of 1994 was a meeting of the United Nations to discuss the issue of<em><u>gender equality
world poverty
3 is slavery and 7 is union
3. sometimes put into a ring, given swords and forced to fight each other to entertain the public
4. could move up i social status
The slaves in the Roam Empire were treated much differently than the slaves in the other places, and they also had much more opportunities in life. One characteristic of the Roman slaves was that they were able to pay off their slavery through work or through engaging in organized fights for entertainment. A slave was able to gain freedom after working for certain amount of years, and once he/she had accomplished that, the slave was free, and had the same rights and opportunities as all other citizens. Also, some slaves, usually the ones that were very good fighters, had military experience, or had good build, were trained to be gladiators. They were fighting against each other or against dangerous wild animals in rings with the purpose to entertain the public. If they managed to have certain amount of wins, they were granted freedom and were free men.