America faces many challenges before even reaching San Juan Hill such as 500 villagers fighting off the Americans. Another thing that proved to be difficult was the Spanish shooting down hundreds of American soldiers. However these issues are overcome in the result of capturing Kettle Hill as well as San Juan Hill. All in all, the challenges the Americans faced were due in part to the Spanish defenders of the village and the Spanish artillery.
Answer: Archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo (Bosna which has mixed population - Croats, Serbs, Muslims). Gavrilo Princip was Serbian student living in Bosna. So to answer your question, the assassin of archduke was Serbian.
2) North Carolina grew slowly because it lacked harbors and riverson which ships could travel easily.
Voting shows that you care about the impact politicians and the government has on your community and your life. If you don't vote, then it shows you don't care about politics impact on you, your city, your county, your state (Providence), andarker your country.
Your vote is your voice for your life!
I believe the answer is "Jimmu"