Marshal Foch
Also known as the Armistice of Compiègne from the place where it was signed at 5:45 a.m. by the French Marshal Foch, it came into force at 11:00 a.m. Paris time on 11 November 1918 and marked a victory for the Allies and a defeat for Germany, although not formally a surrender.
Kono Dio Da!!!
I think their called the cabinet
B I’m pretty sure
A person uses a bank loan to start and expand a restaurant business is a case in which the use of<span>credit positively affects the U.S. economy</span>
Askia encouraged learning and literacy, ensuring that Mali's universities produced the most distinguished scholars, many of whom published significant books and one of which was his nephew and friend Mahmud Kati. To secure the legitimacy of his usurpation of the Sonni dynasty, Askia Muhammad allied himself with the scholars of Timbuktu, ushering in a golden age in the city for scientific and Muslim scholarship.[5] The eminent scholar Ahmed Baba, for example, produced books on Islamic law which are still in use today. Muhammad Kati publishedTarikh al-fattash and Abdul-Rahman as-Sadi published Tarikh al-Sudan (Chronicle of Africa), two history books which are indispensable to present-day scholars reconstructing African history in the Middle Ages.