Why did you join the club?
she knew that.
biology is the study of life.
is the concert Friday or Saturday?
Stop that immediately!
when are you stopping by again?
the forecast is for rain all afternoon.
thin and weak
He must’ve been held back several grades, because he was the only sixth grader with acne and the start of a wispy beard on his chin.
make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust
It’s weird being alone with a teacher, especially Mrs. Dodds. Something about the way she looked at the frieze, as if she wanted to pulverize it.
sudden violent winds, often accompanied by precipitation
One of the current events we studied in social studies class was the unusual number of small planes that had gone down in sudden squalls in the Atlantic that year.
B because the ppl r only listening to radio and it says they fine but they get deported to some where else and mouche goes silent the only reason he didn't die cause he was shot in the leg and played dead then hobbled back to the ppl and no one listened all that for nothing huh
I like the lynel bow bc i can use it to dupe arrows :D
this video shows you how