Strangeworth believes that "people everywhere were lustful, evil, and degraded." Through her accusatory evil letters, she has turned the people of the town against each other. ... She receives a letter informing her about the destruction of her precious roses. Her belief in the wicked nature of people has been confirmed.
Sitting with his back against a tree a man with a face as grey as a new army blanket was serenely smoking a corn-cob pipe. The lieutenant wished to rush forward and inform him that he was dying.
To my mind, the correct answer is “to help the reader understand how the fuel system on a spacecraft works to help the reader understand the difficult decisions faced by Mission Control”. The aim of including a problem-solution text structure is to organize the author´s ideas in a way that helps the audience to gain understanding of the text. In addition, this device is very useful to call the attention of the audience and to make the text more appealing to them.
A group.........................