The North China plain is a flatness which has been formed by the time with the sediments of the Yellow river.
As it was not uploaded an image to indicate where this plain is, a picture from google was chosen for this purpose giving some directions on a map of China.
The statements in the given question aims at studying the brains of the two genders therefore, the finding supports the " biological " perspective in psychology.
The biological perspective of psychology involves the study of the psychological issues of the different lives by examining the brain , nervous system or the genetics.
You basically need to do a project on acient greece. Have you ever been to a museum? Your teacher wants you to make it look like an exhibit at a museum. It needs to have some representation and explanation of 6 different artifacts from acient greece as well as explaining why it should be in the "museum" and why it was important to acient greeks.
It tells you exactly what ur project needs to have. hope I helped and good luck!
Answer: Defense, Travel, and Supply water for farming
When the court renders an opinion, the Chief Justice- when in the majority-decides who writes the courts' opinion. So the answer is C