It will end up on an orbit that is farther from the Sun
Total energy must be conserved, so if one asteroid loses energy and moves to a closer orbit, the other has to gain energy and move to a more distant orbit.
Answer: Plants perform photosynthesis more efficiently when carbon dioxide is abundant. This in turn reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increases the amount of oxygen
SO2 and NOx
The oxides of Sulphur and Nirogen are the major constituents of acid rain. These oxides combine with the water vapor present in the atmosphere and form sulphuric and nitric acid and thus it rains acid.
The region of the United States most harmed by acid rain is the East Coast, including the Appalachian Mountains and the Northeast. In India the Agra Taj Mahal color is changing from white to Yellow because of acid rain. Acid rains are harmful for are agricultural land as well.
The proximity of people and buildings to the location of the moderate magnitude may be closer. What rock type the buildings are on makes a difference.