Shi Huangdi was an effective leader because he was the first Chinese emperor that managed to unite the northern China and responsible to the first development of China's great wall.
Not only that, he is also the one that introduces China to the usage of money as a medium of transaction.
It led to the need of organized government.
An Oligarchy is best defined as a small group of elite people having control of a country or may be an organization.
The United States become a global power following the conclusion of WWII. It helped create and oversea international institutions and alliances, such as the United Nations and NATO. It took a more active role in the affairs of countries around the world, and maintained a huge military, rather than downsizing after the war ended.
These actions helped to ensure peace in Europe, but also led to many interventionist wars around the world, such as Vietnam, Iraq, and Korea. It has also led to the United States being in serious debt, largely due to our intense military obligations.