Mephistophilis describes Hell as a condition or state of being.
Mephistophilis is one of the characters that appear in <em>Doctor Faustus </em>by Christopher Marlowe. He is a demon that warns Faustus about the consequences of rejecting God. Moreover,<u> when Faustus asks Mephistophilis to describe Hell, he tells him that Hell is not a place like many people believe. In contrast, Hell is a condition or a state of being</u>. Furthermore, he explains Faustus that Hell is in all the places where God is not. Therefore, <u>Hell is equal to the absence of God. </u>
Indirect characterization
Characterization refers to the description of the personality traits of a character.
The appropriate response is compound subject. A compound subject is a subject comprised of at least two straightforward subjects that are joined by a planning conjunction and that have a similar predicate. sentence may have more than one straightforward subject or basic predicate. A compound subject is at least two basic subjects that have a similar predicate.
Main idea is about Gender and Racial issues
Well, rhetoric means to call to action, so if you do this in a business world them it can make you seem more domaniant and in charge.