Their members become more privatized and less incorporated into the wider community. As competition and consumerism become more widespread, the traditional household, especially in its extended forms as institutions of micro-hierarchy, become eroded.
Poor planning, and disease
The obstacles that the French faced while attempting to build a canal across Panama were diseases and poor planning. The French dealt with constant outbreaks of malaria and yellow fever, which slowed construction and caused the deaths of thousands of workers. The French also did not take into consideration the geographical differences between the Suez Canal region and the Panama region. The French had succeeded in building a canal at sea level in Egypt, and they mistakenly thought a similar design would work in Panama. However, the difference in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean sea levels, as well as the difference in elevation of the Panamanian terrain, prevented them from building a sea-level canal. The United States knew about these two problems when they undertook the project. They took preventative measures by reducing the disease-spreading mosquito population and using a canal-lock system to overcome the elevation obstacle in Panama.
A. Democracy spread throughout the region
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe had slowly integrated a democratic government. This however does not mean it was perfect, most of them are corrupted but even Russia had declared itself a Republic after the end of the Communist Regime.
The way of salvation with Christ is by following is commandments, praising him, spreading his words and reforming the lives of your brothers and sisters.
A newly industrialized nation is a nation that has a new highly developed economy and industry relative to other developed nations.