A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb, but doesn't make much sense on its own. A lot of times, especially in a sentence with a comma, you can split the sentence and see if it makes any sense.
6. "Before we hiked"
7. "When we go on nature field trips."
8. "Since John was an expert of volcanoes"
9. "If you want to see something closer."
10. "After a volcano erupts"
None of those answers make sense as independent sentences, which is how you can tell they're dependent clauses; they depend on the other part of the sentence.
1. my friend treats me with respect and is caring. 2. We help each-other when we are in need of assistance. 3. Me and my friend tell each-other funny jokes and relate to each-other.
"Stoop from your cold height, Helen Grey, Come down, and take a lowlier place; Come down, to fill it now with grace; Come down you must perforce some day: For years cannot be kept at bay, And fading years will make you old; Then in their turn will men seem cold, When you yourself are nipped and grey" .<u>It's saying that he needs to get off his high perch or no one will love him and he will grow to be old and alone.</u>